16 Kasım 2014 Pazar

#2nd Week (14.11.14)

Hello :)
Here is my second week experiences. 
I attended 3 different classes again, 3E,3B,4A. I will comment all classes together, not seperately. I sit next to students and i observed the teacher. 
After greeting students, my mentor chose a student from every desk line to check their friends' homeworks. It's a good way to control homework, peer control and peer correction is important for children, and they like taking some responsibilities in the class.

Mrs. Ergur use the native and target language at the same level. She gives the instructions first in English by demonstrating, and then uses the mother tongue, Turkish. First of all, I didn't understand why she uses Turkish in class and i was surprised because we don't use the mother tongue during our presentations, as you know, and i thought i would speak only English in my classes. Maybe it's possible yet, i can but i couldn't decide whichone is effective and instructive, using only English or both? 
What do you think about it?

I don't like children when they complain about their friends. They always said " she took my pencil." " he pulled my hair." " he said" "she doesn't listen." "she didn't do her homework." I got rid of them in second week, it's too hard, really. Mrs. Ergur is also troubled about it, as i observed. She always warned them to not complain about their friends, but it's not enough to stop them.

When the end of lesson was coming, teacher login a website, http://www.morpakampus.com/
It is an useful website that appropriate for primary school's curriculum. The class solved a test, 20 questions about family member and at the end of the test they saw how many true and false answers. I like this website and i appreciate Mrs. Ergur's using online and interactive web2.0 tools.

Thank you for your reading..
I'm waiting for your kind comments.

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